Monday, July 27, 2009
Life is all about balance
The Weightloss Miracle
Seems like a dream, right?
Well this is practically a dream come true.
It's called The Weight Loss Miracle and a *miracle* is what many of it's members are calling it.
Over 30,000 people have tested The Weight Loss Miracle and their success stories are pouring in!
If you want to lose weight, then take action today...
The Weightloss Miracle
Unlike other weight loss programs, there's zero risk for you. All you have is the weight to lose!
This opportunity is limited...
The Weightloss Miracle
OMG Fat Loss Review
OMG Fat Loss includes fool-proof diet and fitness strategies you can implement right away to get rid of all you unwanted fat, in addition to a lifestyle behavioral program that will the keep the fat off. It is by far the most value for the money, comprehensive and simple guide you’ll find both online and offline.
It uses the most clinically proven successful weight loss strategies of people who have on average permanently lost over 65 pounds of weight. Why do I know it will work for you? You’ll be interested to know this program has been clinically tested and refined by Dr Marc Lawrence, a board certified physician nutrition specialist and weight loss expert, with his own clients and patients. So, you can be assured that OMG Fat Loss is a practical guide to permanent weight loss for real-world, busy people whether they are eating out, cooking at home, or shopping at the grocery store.
The key to long term and permanent fat loss
Without a lifestyle change you’re highly susceptible to a lifetime of yo-yo dieting. On OMG you’ll be making small changes to your lifestyle in just 21 days, that will produce big changes in the way your clothes fit, your outlook on life, and the way others perceive you. And remember these are the same lifestyle changes that helped these Biggest Fat Loss Losers lose over 65 pounds, so you know they work.
With OMG you’ll be putting your weight loss on auto-pilot and losing weight like its second nature, because it is!
As part of the OMG you’ll also discover:
- A food ranking system that is 780% more effective for weight loss than low carb, low fat, high fiber and high protein.
- My best fat burning recipes that come straight from my popular weight-loss cooking classes. You’ll also learn how to make your favorite recipes without sacrificing flavor.. Hint: It has nothing to do with cutting out the fat, or using artificial sweetners such as Splenda. This is real food!
- How to shop for the foods that will help you lose weight. Most of these foods are not even marketed as weight loss foods, so you’ll be saving money as you lose weight.. while avoiding the expense and the ineffective “diet” foods that are probably making you fat in the first place.
- Simple strategies that will have you losing weight even when you eat out. Over 20,000 restuarant menu items ranked by my OMG food ranking system
- A prepared meal plan that will save you up to $368 per month off of Jenny Craig and NutriSystem.
Still not convinced?
When you go to OMG Fat Loss you’ll see a video of a client of Dr Marc who lost 67 pounds on OMG. Her name is Michael and she was a typical yo- yo dieter who tried and failed multiple diet programs including Atkins and Weight Watchers before finding lasting success with OMG. See the video and you’ll also get a valuable tip on a lifestyle change you can easily do right now that will help you lose the weight for good!
How Does Calorie Cycling Help You Lose Weight?
A brand new way to lose weight has been hitting airwaves all over the United States.
This diet, called "calorie cycling", allows people to effectively lose large amounts of weight in short periods of time. But before you dismiss it as a fad diet, read on.
This way of eating teaches people to switch up the amount of calories that they eat day-to-day. By doing this, their body can never figure out how many calories are coming to it (as is often the case with low calorie or low carbohydrate diets), and therefore it can't adjust... or plateau.
The diet actually enforces cheat days and says that it wouldn't be successful without it.
Rachel Rofe, calorie cycling expert, explains that our bodies are used to this way of eating. During the cavemen era, our ancestors would have to go hungry for days at a time. Whenever they got the opportunity to eat, they would binge in order to stay satisfied until the next time they had the opportunity to eat.
Cheat days are similar to the days that our ancestors fasted. Because the metabolism never expects these days, it can never adjust to a certain way of eating, and the body is literally forced to continue dropping unwanted pounds.
Because people get to have these cheat days where they can literally eat anything they want, psychologists heartily recommend this diet. They love that dieters don't need to feel deprived of malnourished. Doctors love it because it's a natural way to lose weight without people having to deprive themselves of nutrients, food groups, or even "bad" food.
Because calorie cycling is much easier to stick to than a typical weight loss plan, it has a much larger retention rate than many of the other diets.
Rachel has lost 100 pounds herself, and is passionate about helping other people do it too. She has been featured in Woman's World, among others.
You can check out more about calorie cycling on her website at
Why Eat a Raw Food Diet?
If you're reading this article, you may be wondering about the benefits of a raw food diet, right? Well, the benefits of eating more raw foods are numerous and once you understand them you'll probably wonder why you haven't eaten more raw in the past. You'll also think twice about eating dead cooked foods ever again.
Raw Foods Give You More Energy
I don't think I know of a single person who eats at least 80% raw foods who doesn't enjoy far more energy than the average person. I know that when I transitioned away from eating a diet made up of breads, dairy, and cooked foods, and adopted more of a raw foods diet, my energy went through the roof. And I'm not talking about the quick surge you would get from an espresso but rather long-lasting energy that enables you to do more with less.
For instance, eating raw will allow you to sleep less and have far more energy than you ever thought possible. When I'm eating at least 80% raw, I can easily function on just 4-5 hours of sleep. I literally bounce out of bed and don't require any naps throughout the day. Oh yeah, did I mention that I workout every single day as well? Sometimes, even twice!
Energizing Enzymes
There are several reasons why a raw food diet will give you more energy. First, raw foods are rich in food enzymes. Enzymes are required for every single reaction in the body. Unfortunately, our bodies only have a finite number of these enzymes, so when we run out, we run out of life! To add to this, when you heat foods above 118 degrees fahrenheit, you destroy the food enzymes that are naturally present in all raw foods. Therefore, if you eat a predominantly cooked foods diet, you're not getting enough food enzymes, which means that your body will have to produce and use more of its own to digest and metabolize your foods.
The more energy your body needs to divert towards digestion, the less energy you will have for other activities. You will feel more lethargic and tired as your body is trying to breakdown "dead" foods and figure out what to do with them.
So, the food enzymes inherent in raw foods are a big reason for boosting your body's energy. They are the spark plugs and are intricately related to the next property that make raw foods so energy-boosting.
Life Force
When raw foods are left intact, they are also known as living foods. They are called "living" because they carry an incredible amount of life force.
Now, since every living being has an aura or energy field illuminating from their body, which foods do you think would enhance yours? High energy raw foods or cooked foods that dead? I think we both know the answer.
As I like to say, "eat alive and you will thrive".
Weight Loss and Beautiful Skin
The other highly sought-after quality of a raw foods diet is its ability to help you lose weight and beautify your skin. Almost all raw foodists have reported losing weight they could never lose. At the same time, they notice an instant improvement in their skin. They look younger and have a natural glow that comes about because of the "living" nature of raw foods, their abundance of enzymes, and of course the plethora of nutrients that are ingested when eating more fruits and vegetables.
You will find it easier to lose weight on a raw food diet because your getting more nutrients and, therefore, your body won't crave "dead" foods. Second, the enzymes help to breakdown the foods you are eating and excess energy and fat stores in your body. Third, raw foods are water-rich, which helps you feel more satiated, as well as hydrated.
Many of these reasons also help us explain why living foods make you look younger and beautify your skin. Enzymes, life force, water, and high quality nutrients all play a role in natural skin care.
We could talk about the benefits of a raw food diet for hours but the only to truly understand them is to experience them for yourself. So why not take action today and enjoy the health, the body, and the vitality that you deserve!
About the Author
Yuri Elkaim is one of the world’s leading holistic nutrition and health experts. If you want to lose weight and live your healthiest and most energetic life ever, then you can learn more about his raw food diet book, Eating for Energy and get started with a FREE 6-part Energy Secrets e-course by visiting Eating for Energy today.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
1. Are you a guy or do you know one close to you over the age of 35?
2. Have you or he looked at your/his bare chest lately?
3. If so... did you see them?...The dreaded....
Obviously if you are female this is not an issue. But for us men, "gynaecomastia", often jokingly referred to as manboobs (we can thank "Seinfeld" for that) is anything but funny.
From this point on, I'll refer to it as "MB" if that's okay by you.
MB is not an age thing. It can occur at almost any time in life. However, for those of us over 35, it is more common.
This is just one of the many symptoms of "andropause", or "male menopause."
When you age your testosterone levels decline...and more than that the testosterone gets "weaker" due to an imbalance between it and estrogen.
When you combine that with our modernized "estrogen-rich" environment that Dr. Holly Lucille frequently lectures on, you have a problem.
A big MB problem.
MB is associated with lack of drive (you know what I'm talking about guys) and excess bellyfat due to the estrogen.
Even more serious: Excess estrogen has been positively linked to prostate cancer.
Yep. MBs are not so funny after all.
Check out Dr. Lucille's NaturaPause Audios. There is an entire audio dedicated to male menopause and natural solutions that really work.
Most do not work worth a darn.
Hers does.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Free NaturaPause Video
It's only 16 minutes long and covers the connection between your "hormones" and body fat.
Not only body fat... Your sexual-drive, your energy, your mood, and of course issues like menopause, andropause (male menopause) and more.
Give it a look...
See Video Here
Just by taking some of Dr. Lucille's advice (natural, without harmful drugs) you can kick-start your hormonal system back into overdrive.
That's the best way to end stubborn body fat and reboot your drive at the same time.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Five Simple Steps for Losing Twenty Pounds Quickly and Safely
It’s unfortunate, but true: Many women feel the need to starve themselves when they have twenty pounds they want to lose so they can look great for a special occasion. Whether it is a wedding, class reunion or some other special event there is a tremendous amount of pressure on women to look great. And this pressure often leads to the yo-yo dieting and weight gain that is so prevalent in our society today.
You know the pattern: You starve yourself and seem to drop a ton of weight fast. But then when you go back to your normal eating patterns you gain not only the weight you lost back, but you gain even more!
And it’s all the result of one thing: Starving your body of the nutrients it needs.
As you’ve probably read somewhere by now, your body’s metabolism actually burns more fat when it’s fed more often. So if you want to lose dress sizes and inches fast you need to be good to your body. And that means eating the foods it craves to help it melt fat.
So here are 5 simple steps you can follow to help you lose twenty pounds of pure fat. And these steps will help you keep the weight off and end – once and for all – the yo-yo dieting dilemma.
Oh, but before I forget, at the end of the five tips I will tell you about a website for you to visit where you can even more great FREE info and even a 30 day meal plan to make your life even easier!
1. Increase Non-Starchy Vegetable Intake
You have probably seen this many times before, but I guarantee it is one of the most important steps to losing weight. Why you ask? One reason is because eating non-starchy vegetables increases your fiber intake which makes you feel fuller quicker.
Another reason is that vegetables are energy consumers. It takes more energy to digest a vegetable than a type of carbohydrate. You could actually be in a negative calorie balance if you compared one carrot’s calories to the amount of calories it took to digest and utilize that carrot.
There are studies that show on average for those that ate 4 or more servings of non-starchy vegetables a day were the biggest losers when it came to weight loss
2. Protein Should Be At Every Meal
To optimally preserve your lean body mass while losing weight it is extremely important to consume some type of lean protein at every meal.
Protein is a great nutrient to prevent you from overeating because it will fill you up quicker.
It is also another nutrient that is energy costly, which means it takes more calories to digest and utilize protein than it does a carbohydrate.
Your best sources of protein are beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy.
3. Eat Whole Grain Carbohydrates
Consuming whole-grain carbohydrates regulates your insulin levels and keeps your body from producing too much insulin. This, in turn, keeps you losing weight.
Large amounts of insulin promote fat storage and fast digesting or simple carbohydrates produce large amounts of insulin. You want to limit or avoid these fast digesting carbs.
By doing this you not only improve your health, but will speed up your fat loss.
Some studies believe that up to 70% of successful weight loss stems from keeping insulin levels in check and to do this means eating whole grains and avoiding simple carbs.
4. Eat More Healthy Fats
Consume adequate amounts of healthy fat foods such as olive oil, walnuts, almonds, or other Omega-3 products.
Healthy fats are great antioxidants. They also help with brain function and many other essential processes that take place in the body on a daily basis.
Essential Fatty acids also help prevent certain diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Some studies are starting to show that consuming Omega-3 products may boost your metabolism by as much as 400 calories a day.
5. Eat Frequent Meals
There is a direct correlation with eating patterns and volume of food consumed as well as insulin levels.
Eat 4-6 small meals day a day instead of the usual 2-3 large meals. Eating frequently will help regulate and boost your metabolism to burn more calories.
By eating smaller portions throughout the day, you tend to eat less food overall. You also control your blood sugars because, by ingesting a steady state of nutrients throughout the day, your body has no need to significantly elevate insulin levels to handle large amounts of food.
Now of course I do recommend you exercise while making these 5 changes to your diet because nutrition and exercise go hand in hand for fat loss. If you make these simple changes to your diet and take part in an exercise program that has you burning calories then you will drop dress sizes and inches quickly, safely and permanently.
Jayson Hunter RD, CSCS is the author of the Carb Rotation Diet. To discover the 5 absolute truths Every Serial Dieter Who Seeks Rapid-Weight loss MUST come to grips with visit The Carb Rotation Diet.
Fit Over 40
There's an old proverb that rings with wit and reason: "Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die." So why do we want to live forever? According to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, author of "Chasing Life" and CNN's Senior Medical Corespondent, we do not.
The real quest isn't eternal life on earth according to Gupta, but rather an exceptional life.
While interviewing the foremost authorities on anti-aging and life extension, Dr. Gupta discovered three "universals" -- three principles that each researcher deemed critical to extending our lives naturally and empowering us to live exceptionally. They are:
1. Weight training
2. Good nutrition
3. Positive thinking and having purpose
Jon Benson, author of "Fit Over 40", explores each of these in great detail, as well as asking 52 men and women how they have managed to slow the hands of time down to a crawl. Benson does not waste time with hype and hypothesis. He focuses on real-world examples and applications we can all use to slow down the aging process and help prevent and reverse the conditions that can lead to disease.
Discover more today at Fit Over 40
You too can live a longer, more exceptional life by simply adopting a smart, realistic and enjoyable lifestyle fitness plan. And if science just happens to catch up with Father Time, you'll be many steps ahead of the curve.
7 Minute Muscle
Did you see that article on MSNBC about living longer?
"While the quest for the proverbial Fountain of Youth is endless and typically fruitless, one method known to extend the human lifespan by up to five years has quietly become accepted among leading researchers. The formula is simple: Eat less. It could add years to your life, several experts now say. And done in moderation, it could at least help you live a more healthy life."
Really? Eat less. Live longer?
Who'd thunk?
But seriously, why is this the case? And more importantly, why do so many other health and fitness pros give the opposite advice, often asking you to eat 5-8 times a day? Is there some common ground?
Yes there is. But first let's look at why eating less can mean living longer.
That article went on to say:
"Calorie restriction, as it is called, is as close to a real Fountain of Youth as any known technique comes. Even scientists who are cautious about anti-aging hype say it works, both by cutting risks for some diseases and by allowing all body cells, somehow, to hang in there longer.
"This is just part of the story. As usual, the mainstream media doesn't always bother to give you the entire picture.
Eating less is a bit over-simplistic. Caloric restriction is based on "quantitative" reduction, not simply eating like a bird or starving yourself. That will never work. You won't stick to it and your body certainly won't bother to burn off its spare body fat when it thinks you're in a stone age famine.
The key is to avoid over-training in the gym like the plague. Too much training and you'll be forced to eat more food -- usually not a good thing.
Jon Benson's new system "7 Minute Muscle" is perfect for someone who is wanting to not spend their lives in the kitchen or in the gym. This is REQUIRED READING if you really want to see how great you can look in the least amount of time possible. Sure, you work hard. There's no pills or gadgets involved. But it's worth every minute... all 7 of them!
7 Minute Muscle
A way to eat your favorite foods and still shed bodyfat like crazy...
If you thought you had to give up your favorite foods in order to shed unwanted bodyfat, then this will be one of the most important letters you ever read.
Two "former fatties" developed a System of eating that allows you to eat whatever you like every other day and still lose all-the-weight you want.
No pills. No guilt. Just a diet plan for the REAL WORLD, developed by real people.
If you want to skip ahead, go here The Every Other Day Diet!
Most Dietplans Are Too Hard
Most of what you've read about how to shed bodyweight is a lie.
Some 'experts' expect you to believe they eat chicken and broccoli every night for dinner and rarely if ever cheat.
Right. And I'm the Dalai Lama!
Just as bad, these plans are too difficult for anyone to follow for more than a few weeks.
So when folks like you discover they can eat their favorite foods every single week and still shed the weight you should see the look on their faces.
They can't believe it.
Some think they have to take some "super pill" to succeed. Not true!
Others think they will have to spend hours a day in the gym killing themselves. No way!
Here's the truth:
Jon and Jan were both obese. Over the past four years, they perfected a System that shows you how they went from obese to "cover model" fit and still eat their favorite foods.
Not "once a week" either, they INSIST you eat yummy food frequently and without guilt or worry.
Even better, they never count a single calorie!
See for yourself The Every Other Day Diet!
Here's the facts: there is NO SUCH THING as a perfect dietplan.
But thousands of people make billions of bucks off of selling the idea that there is only ONE way to eat in order to get lean.
Even worse: these people create dietplans so ridiculously strict that even fitness pros like Jon and Jan can't follow them!
They had to create a plan anyone could follow. Women, men, and even kids.
You should see these pictures! They used Jan's six-year-old daughter Kari to prove a point
This is so simple a even CHILD can do it!
And you should see their clients...the few who know about this System...
They get to eat pizza, burgers, ice cream, and more...and still lose the weight!
This is not a pill or a scam...this is science applied to the real world.
The science: you take advantage of the fact your body prefers a change of pace and can respond by burning ugly fat.
The real world: no one is going to eat salad and tuna every day for the rest of their life in order to shed body fat and feel good again.
Simple, right? Common sense!
You absolutely MUST HAVE a diet plan you can live with for life.
And that's what this is.
Even better: through our special link-below, you get this new System at **HALF PRICE **
for a limited time only:
The Every Other Day Diet!
That's HALF PRICE just for being on my Preferred Subscriber List.
How great is that!
What is this new System called?
Announcing "The Every Other Day Diet!"
Great name, isn't it? Pretty much says it all.
But this isn't just a 'book'. You are supported for an entire year with audios, recipes, success
stories, and more.
All for less than the cost of a dinner for two at a cheap restaurant.
That's hard to beat.
Plus you get it at half price.
PLUS you get 10 killer bonuses worth over $500.
Call it a gift for being a loyal reader. Or call it a Holiday Special...whatever you like.
This is a simple plan that you will absolutely love.
It's a System that took years to perfect and is about to take the entire nation by storm.
And you get it first.
Go read more The Every Other Day Diet!
Jon and Jan received countless emails about The Every Other Day Diet..."When is it coming out?" "How can I get an advanced copy?"
"How the heck does it work??"
Go here and get your advanced half price...and discover the System for yourself
The Every Other Day Diet!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
3 Simple, Healthy Meal Plans You Can Start Right Now
Is it possible to put together a simple and healthy meal plan? One that is not going to be complicated and hard to follow? Yes. It is possible and I will show you how. The healthy meal plans below will help you achieve your health goals while simultaneously shedding fat off your body.
Here are 3 healthy meal plans you can get started on right now.
Protein should be included in every meal throughout the day and breakfast is no exception. Make sure to include organic eggs, cottage cheese, raw nut butter or smoked fish as one component of your healthy breakfast. Carbohydrates should also be included in the form of oatmeal, sprouted grain bread, fruit and/or vegetables.
3 great sample breakfasts are:
Oatmeal with almond butter, topped with fresh berries and a bit of Stevia to sweeten.
2 hard boiled eggs, 1 slice sprouted grain toast and ½ grapefruit
Smoked salmon over sliced tomato and 1 green apple
The same rules apply as breakfast. An easy way to ensure that you always have a healthy protein available for lunch is to pack leftovers from dinner the night before. Leftover hamburger, chicken legs or wild fish are all great to include in a salad or over vegetables.
3 great sample lunches are:
Baked Tilapia over sautéed spinach, green salad with chick peas (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by ½ cup of pineapple.
Leftover chicken legs with ½ sweet potato and broccoli.
Lean hamburger over portabella mushroom and brown rice. Cooked vegetables or a green salad. 1 orange.
You can really be creative with dinner. Look for recipes that are quick and easy and modify them with your own healthy ingredients as needed. Again, always remember to include protein and carbohydrates.
3 great sample dinners are:
Mexican salad: Ground beef over shredded lettuce and tomato, guacamole and brown rice.
Grilled Salmon over asparagus, green salad (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by a fresh fruit salad.
Buffalo meat balls over rice pasta with sautéed broccoli.
You never want to let your body get too hungry. Hunger often leads to binge eating of unhealthy food and makes sticking to a healthy eating regimen much more difficult. It’s important to keep snacks handy so you never experience hunger or a blood sugar low without having a healthy option nearby.
3 great snacks are:
2 Tbsp almond butter on ½ apple
Trail mix made up of walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and dried fruit (no sugar added)
Cottage cheese and pineapple
Incorporate just a few of these meals into your daily eating regimen and you will see an incredible difference in your weight loss results. Following simple and healthy meal plans like these is the first step in achieving your health and fitness goals.
To get started right away on your own fat loss goals , download these Simple and Healthy Meal Plans right now.
3 Keys to Losing Fat and Maintaining Muscle at The Same Time

1) Eat Less Calories than you burn off
2) Resistance Training
3) Eating enough protein to maintain muscle mass
That’s as short and sweet as I can put it.
Any diet can work as long as it gets you to eat less calories than you burn off. The key is to find a diet that suits your personality and your lifestyle. If you’re like me you don’t have time to spend on diet rules and focusing on good foods and bad foods, and what to eat and what not to eat, and meal timing and all of that.
The diet that will work for you will most likely be the one with the least amount of rules, or in fact no rules at all but rather just provide a guideline or two. For me that diet is Eat Stop Eat. It is the simplest nutrition program I have ever come across. There is only one guideline, and that is to take a 24 hour break from eating once or twice per week. That’s it, simple and effective.
This type of eating program might work for you, or it might not. You just have to try it first. As long as you can find a diet you can stick with for the long term you’ll be able to lose weight, the next key it making sure all of that weight comes from fat. This is where resistance training comes in.
You have to do some form of resistance training in order to maintain and build muscle mass while you’re losing fat. If you are following an effective diet without doing resistance training you could end up losing muscle mass along the way. If this happens you could lose body weight without actually improving the look or shape of your body.
Your actual bodyweight doesn’t matter as much as your percentage of fat. If you can lose 5 pounds of fat, but gain 3 pounds of muscle you will only lose 2 pounds of bodyweight on the scale, but you’ll look 8 pounds different. Even though 2 pounds doesn’t sound like much, the difference on your body fat percentage is the key.
This is why weight training is so important while dieting. Weight training is the best way to make sure you don’t lose muscle while you diet, this helps with overall health as well as improving the overall look and shape of your body. After all when you diet the goal is to show off the lean muscle that is under the fat.
The third key to building muscle while losing fat is protein. You have to eat just enough protein to make sure your muscles can grow. This is a controversial topic that many nutrition ‘experts’ still don’t agree on. But the bottom line is protein is your friend when it comes to building muscle and especially when you’re dieting.
Mix these three key ingredients together and you’ll have a potent fat loss and muscle building program that can transform your body in no time.
Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.
His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, visit Eat Stop Eat.
Eliminate Internal Waste and Experience Beautiful Health
It's called Master Cleanse and for more than 50 years it's been used for rapid weight loss, rejuvenation and to help eliminate health problems.
Master Cleanse can help you lose up to 20 pounds, look younger, feel younger, reduce chronic pain, cleanse your body of internal waste, while boosting your energy levels in 10 days.
As Master Cleanse starts to work at rapidly cleansing and restoring your body to it's natural health you will notice weight dropping off every day, for some people as much as 1 or 2 pounds a day. Your complexion will brighten giving you a more youthful appearance.
People have seen chronic aches and pains disappear after 10 days and feel increased energy levels.
If you want to restore you body to the natural healthy state it was meant to be in, Master Cleanse can help you do that so why not start today?